Month: December 2020

How Build a Reputation for Customer Service

“The customer is always right,” or so they like to say. Whether or not it’s true, delivering quality service and making your customers happy is essential for businesses who want to succeed. A business who earns a reputation for excelling in customer service is more likely to retain customers and build customer loyalty. So how do you go about doing that?

Admit Your Mistakes

It can be tough to admit when you’ve made a mistake, especially if you’re concerned about how admitting to being fallible might reflect on your business. The truth is that no person or business is perfect and all make mistakes. When you do, your customers will appreciate it far more if you admit that you made a mistake and then take steps to correct it. This shows that you are capable of recognizing your flaws and care enough to fix them. Admitting your mistakes can even lead to improvement in your business. After all, it’s hard to fix a mistake if you can’t admit one was made in the first place.


Answer Their Questions

Customers often contact customer service because they have problems they need solved, questions they need answered, or both. Your response time to their questions is a key factor in how satisfied they are with the service they receive. Failing to respond to questions can leave customers unhappy and cause them to drop your business. It comes across as rude, uncaring, and like you don’t have respect for their time and business. Instead, respond quickly, even if it’s just to say that you don’t have the answer just yet but that you’re working on it and will get back to them with an answer within a set timeframe.


Go the Extra Mile

If you really want to earn a reputation for excellent customer service, find ways to go the extra mile. Doing so doesn’t have to include grand gestures and costly favors, though it certainly can. Instead, find small ways to show your appreciation to your customers. Even personal touches like using the customer’s name or a sincere, polite complement in personal interactions can leave a lasting impression. Doing a little extra to over deliver in your customer service will leave customers with a positive impression of your business and a desire to return for more.


Over time, consistently delivering quality customer service earns businesses a reputation for excellence in this area. Taking ownership of mistakes that happen, having the answers to questions, and going the extra mile go a long way toward engendering customer satisfaction. This, in turn, will increase customer loyalty and earn your business a strong following.

We can help you to create a website that will satisfy your customers and their needs. Contact us so we can start helping you today!